Carl-Mikael Björk

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#004 - In Search of a Sustainable Photographic Practice

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#004 - In Search of a Sustainable Photographic Practice Carl-Mikael Björk

Heading for an assessment dealing with sustainability in photographic or visual practice. I’ve been reading two articles on sustainability from the post-humanities field. Maybe these can push me further ahead than the “minimise carbon footprint” discourse.


FOX, Nick J & Alldred, Pam. (2020) Sustainability, feminist posthumanism and the unusual capacities of (post)humans, Environmental Sociology, 6:2, 121-131, DOI: 10.1080/23251042.2019.1704480

ÅSBERG, Cecilia. (2018). Feminist Posthumanities in the Anthropocene: Forays Into The Postnatural. Journal of Posthuman Studies.