#001 - Naked on a Loading Dock at 2AM

Location scouting. Night photography. Dealing with curious strangers. Feeling photo resistance. How the sum is greater than individual parts. The strength of a collection. About not really ever being finished.


Innate Structures - Loading Dock (2020)

This is the resulting loading dock image. Click the button to see the gallery containing the full project. Yes - it has continued beyond this image.

Links and references

You can watch the video version (with a brief backstory) in this YouTube clip - The Photo Exhibition that didn’t Happen.

BILLGREN, Ernst (2010). What is art and 100 other very important questions. Stockholm: Langenskiöld

Carl-Mikael Björk

My performative understanding of artistic practice does not come from standing at a distance.


#002 - Flóra Borsi is a Cyborg (in the Donna Haraway sense)


#000 - A Photo Origin Story